Weißes Sumatra-Kratom
13,75 €
Neue Spezialsorte in limitierter Auflage. GoPure White Lombok Kratom ist berühmt für seine belebenden Aromen. Diese Sorte ist ideal für die ersten Stunden des Tages, um den Tag in die richtige Richtung zu bringen. Eine unverzichtbare Sorte in jeder Sammlung wichtiger Kratom-Sorten . Wir konnten nur einen kleinen Vorrat dieser kommenden und begehrten Sorte erhalten. Greifen Sie lieber zu, solange der Vorrat reicht.
Good but not the best
White Lombok è ok, ma c'è di meglio su GoPure.
Luca M.
Subtle and effective
White Lombok's a subtle one but does the trick
Freddie H.
Decent quality, not top-notch
Good stuff, this White Lombok, but not top shelf
Zoe A.
Love the quality
White Lombok's a solid performer but not the star of the show
Lisa H.
Gentle kick. Perfect.
White Lombok's got that gentle kick. Perfect for my needs.
Oliver P.
Good feeling
Deze White Lombok is echt prima geeft een lekker gevoel
Thijs B.
Energy boost type
White Lombok ti dà una marcia in più senza esagerare
Silvia R.
Smooth kratom strain
White Lombok's a smooth operator, keeps the edge off.
Eric N.
Great Strain
Nice buzz from this strain it's a keeper
Anna W.
Not too shabby, white lombok's got a subtle edge.
Casey B.
Relaxing and chill
It is good for a mellow vibe, nice and easy.
Hannah F.
Great quality product
White lombok is fine
Rachel W.
Everyday type of kratom
My go-to for a gentle lift
Dylan R.
Decent white lombok
White lombok is alright but lacks a bit
Carl J.
I love this white tea
White Lombok is oké, maar kon sterker zijn.
Jasper v.
Perfect for my situation
White Lombok sorts you out without overdoing it.
Liam G.
Sharpness booster
Keeps me sharp, this White Lombok does.
Fiona B.
Great white lombok
This got the mojo for long study sessions.
Amelia P.
Good order
It's a solid choice for energy, not too intense.
Rebecca S.
Great start to the day!
Con questo White Lombok la giornata parte alla grande!
Elisa C.
Smooth and reliable
white lombok keeps the gears grinding smooth..
Jake M.
Great one
White Lombok, it does job good, keeps me awake! :)
Tom F.
Amazing white lombok
Helemaal top, die White Lombok geeft je een kickstart.
Lieke H.
Refreshing and energizing
White Lombok's smashing for a morning buzz
Henry C.
Exceptional order
The clarity provided by this kratom is exceptional.
Margaret H.